Category Archives: Journey of Lent 2021

Poetry of Promise (Day 29, Wednesday)

March 14, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God of poetic promises, clear up the misunderstandings we harbor in our religious minds. Free us to accept the true and inclusive meaning of your promise of eternal life, for ourselves and the world you love. Focus Phrase: Poetry of Promise Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity’s story about John 3:16 and her mother’s death […]

Trust the Love (Day 28, Tuesday)

March 14, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Loving God, thank you for calling us into your redeeming light. Help us to trust this love enough to open the drapes of our souls and allow the exposure. Amen (Adapted from Rev. T. Denise Anderson) Focus Phrase: Trust the Love I’m captured by this section of “Hold,” the poem by Rev. Sarah […]

Come to the Light (Day 27, Monday)

March 14, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Loving God, thank you for calling us into your redeeming light. Help us to trust this love enough to open the drapes of our souls and allow the exposure. Amen. (Adapted from Rev. T. Denise Anderson) Focus Phrase: Come to the Light But those who do what is true come to the light, […]

Negative Space (Day 25, Saturday)

March 07, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God of my life, teach me how to think and live as one who has been raised with Christ. Help me recognize the hidden glory that is my True Self. Focus Phrase: Negative Space Since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above where Christ is– seated at the […]

Wisdom and Strength (Day 24, Friday)

March 07, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God of hidden wisdom, show me something new, and teach me something wonderful. I want to understand your power in the way of the cross. Focus Phrase: Hidden Wisdom The cross of Christ means different things to different people. Church by church, the meaning is taught differently. And people think differently. We change […]

Overturn (Day 23, Thursday)

March 07, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Liberating God, again and again our brains tell us we are in danger when in fact you are trying to save people. Help us let go of our questions about your methods and join you in the work. Focus Phrase: Overturn Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity has a loose connection to one of the […]

The Urge (Day 22, Wednesday)

March 07, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Liberating God, again and again our brains tell us we are in danger when in fact you are saving people. Help us let go of our questions about your methods and join you in the work. Focus Phrase: The urge to question In today’s reflection, Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity writes: Again and again, […]

Values (Day 21, Tuesday)

March 07, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God of new awakenings, help me see the things that you see as you sit with me at a table that oppression built. Focus Phrase: Values I can’t help but comment on “Flipping Tables,” the poem by Rev. Sarah Are on p. 19 of our devotional booklet.  I remember when I woke up […]

Taking Inventory (Day 20, Monday)

March 07, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God who shows us the way again and again: May we fearlessly and with gratitude receive what we’ve already been given. Amen Focus Phrase: Taking Inventory This week we step in a new theme: Again and again, we are shown the way. Rev. T. Denise Anderson’s commentary on John 2:13-22 has some important […]

Womb Time (Day 18, Saturday)

February 28, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God of my rising and my falling, help me live according to my own rhythms, especially the elusive gifts of rest and renewal. Focus Phrase: Womb Time Today concludes the second full week of Lent and is the last day of the Listen theme.  I can’t remember when I first started thinking about […]