Come to the Light (Day 27, Monday)

March 14, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Loving God, thank you for calling us into your redeeming light. Help us to trust this love enough to open the drapes of our souls and allow the exposure. Amen. (Adapted from Rev. T. Denise Anderson)

Focus Phrase: Come to the Light

But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God. -John 3:21

It’s natural and healthy for us to be aware of our own wounds and flaws and thus hide when we feel exposed. Even so, we don’t need to read passages like John 3:14-21 as though we are the “evil” discussed in the passage.

Your participation on this Journey is proof enough of your openness and willingness to live in the light and receive God’s love. Now, we all know that is much easier said than done, but we are on The Way. It’s the orientation of your life that matters. This week is all about God’s invitation to move deeper into Love. 

Perhaps you feel guilty that you’re not a more loving person. I do. This week is not about learning skills to be more loving and self-sacrificing. This week is about learning the skill of receiving God’s love and allowing it to transform you.

Be encouraged in your practice.

Katie Martinez


  • Read and reflect on p. 26 of Again & Again. The link is in every Journey email. If you’re not getting those, register here.  
  • Read John 3:14-21.
  • Questions for journaling and spiritual conversation:
    • How do you identify with those who avoid being exposed? What are the wounds and flaws of your personality or past that you prefer to keep hidden?
    • What about our social systems? How are WE collectively invested in narratives that valorize our past and gloss over our ugliness?
    • Try this variation on “centering prayer”: Read the passage aloud to yourself. Then Pray the starter prayer aloud. Then breathe deeply and enter into silence for several minutes. I like to set a chime on my phone to break the silence after 3, 5 or 20 minutes, whichever time frame I choose that day. When your phone chimes, breathe deeply in and out, and slowly open your eyes. Stop the chime. Then gently end your prayer time by saying the starter prayer again. Centering Prayer is for “being still” not for “doing”. When thoughts enter your mind, gently let them pass by like leaves floating downstream in a river.
  • Make your plans to participate in the Good Friday Experience at Crossroads, in-person, online or on demand. We will reflect upon the hidden wisdom and true power of Christ’s Love. For the in-person option, a reservation is necessary.
  • As the week unfolds, what word or phrase captures your attention? Weave your word into the prayer wall at the Taft Avenue facility; or text your word to 970-500-0970, and the prayer team will weave it into the wall for you.


  • For daily texts with the Focus Word, Starter Prayer and link to these daily posts, text the word “lent” to 970-500-0970.
  • Join Ryan on Facebook Live, every weekday morning at 10am for spiritual conversation on these Lent themes.
  • Looking for the link to the digital devotional or your copy of the print version? Register here.
  • Join the Orange Dots of Hope Facebook Group for spiritual conversations.

This is part of Again & Again: Journey of Lent 2021 with Crossroads Church. The theme, devotional booklet, poetry and art is the work of the creative community of theologians and artists at A Sanctified Art. Crossroads is grateful for this resource!
