I’m Worth It (Day 4, Saturday)

February 16, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: God of Discovery: Give me the imagination to see “I’m worth” the Invitation. Teach me to trust that “I’m worth it.”  Help me establish an identity of “Worth It”, once and for all.

Focus Phrase: I’m worth it.

This Weekend, Ryan is wrapping up the week of Ash Wednesday with a reflection about “invitations.” Then I will do a bit of teaching on the theme for next week: Again & Again, God Meets Us.

Weekend Worship is one of the most powerful things you can do for your spiritual health. During this series, the services are stacked with music and creative arts on the weekly Lent themes. Many of the creative pieces we’re using in services are companions to what you’re experiencing in the devotional. For instance, the poem in our spiritual practice today, will be presented this weekend via video by Melissa Howell Alipalo (Ryan’s sister!).

Here’s a tip and some spiritual practice for Saturday.

Tip of the Day: If you miss a day (or several) of spiritual practice, don’t try to catch up! Simply resume your practice with the current day. The Good News: On a prayer journey, you’re free to focus on NOW– no regrets, no judgments, no pressure to perform or be productive. Whenever you do step into your practice, give yourself fully to it. (For more on this idea see Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman’s artwork and reflection on pp. 3-4 of the devotional booklet.)

See you on Sunday,

Katie Martinez


  • Read “Invited” by Rev. Sarah Are on p.1 in the devotional, Again & Again. The link is in every Journey email. If you’re not getting those, register here.
  • Questions for journaling and spiritual conversation:
    • How do you feel after reading about the poet’s experience with God? What is your own experience with trusting that you are “worth it”?
    • How can you keep the Focus Word or Starter Prayer with you today?


    • For daily texts with the Focus Word, Starter Prayer and link to these daily posts, text the word “lent” to 970-500-0970.
    • Join Ryan on Facebook Live, every weekday morning at 10am for spiritual conversation on these Lent themes.
    • Looking for the link to the digital devotional or your copy of the print version? Register here.
    • Join the Orange Dots of Hope Facebook Group for spiritual conversations.

    This is part of Again & Again: Journey of Lent 2021 with Crossroads Church. The theme, devotional booklet, poetry and art is the work of the creative community of theologians and artists at A Sanctified Art. Crossroads is grateful for this resource!