Sun, Moon, and Stars (Day 19)

June 19, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Glorious Creator, draw me into the light of life in the sun, moon and stars. Amen

Focus Phrase: Star Light, Star Bright

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:9-12

Optional Read-along: Water, Wind, Earth and Fire pp. 65b-69a (Chapter Two: Brother Fire, Section: Sun, Moon, and Stars.)

Spiritual Direction:

My favorite aspect of nature? The night sky. In fact, tonight we have a full moon. (Meaning, at the time of this writing.) For my last “spiritual retreat day” I took a visit to the planetarium. When traveling into the wilderness or sparsely populated areas, it’s fun to bring up a night sky app and spend some time hanging out under the stars.

In a sense, praying with nature is nothing more than becoming more aware of the freakish miracles of life on earth. Outer space is certainly a miraculous freak show! As kids it freaks us out– thinking about infinity and eternal life. As adults we become less impressed and entice ourselves to practice WONDER.

In any case…

Questions for reflection: When I contemplate the vastness of the universe, how do I feel? Can I imagine myself as a star or the sun– one among many in an infinite universe? What gifts do I have to offer in God’s universe of wonder? How do cycles of the sun and moon shape my own connection with God and spiritual practices?

Try this practice: Subscribe to a digital lunar calendar or write the moon cycles into your paper calendar. Or try this from Christine Valters Paintner: Go outside under the night sky and take in the fire of the heavens. Practice a version of lectio divina with the evening lights. Still your mind and open the eyes of your imagination (Eph 1:18). Survey the vast beauty. Fix your eye on a star or point of light. Savor the moment. What does this image say to you about the light of your life? Where are you being invited to bring your fire? Allow your heart to receive this call. Spend time in silence, resting with God. Now gaze again at the whole sky and take note of your feelings.


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This daily devotion is part of the Summer Growth Journey: Learning to Pray with Nature with Crossroads Church. Many of us are also reading through Water, Wind, Earth & Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements by Christine Valters Paintner. To purchase a copy, or for more information, email us at [email protected].