Lectio Divina with Fire (Day 20)

June 19, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Holy God, speak to me through the beauty and power of the element of fire. Amen

Focus Phrase: Prayer with Fire

Scripture Reading: John 8:12

Optional Read-along: Water, Wind, Earth and Fire pp. 69b-73a (Chapter Two: Brother Fire, Section: Lectio Divina with Fire and More Fire Quotations for Prayer.)

Spiritual Direction: Lectio Divina

(For an introduction to the prayer practice called lectio divina, click here.)

Today’s read-along contains a suggested practice for Lectio Divina with Fire. Yes! In the same way we can slow down and pray with scripture, Christine Valters Paintner has a wonderful prescription for us to try. Allow 15-20 minutes for this experience. Prepare by finding a peaceful place with a flame nearby such as a quiet room with a candle or fireplace burning. A campfire is ideal! Breathe deeply and relax.

  1. Reading God’s Word: Become aware of the flame before you. Notice the details. Which aspect of fire draws you in: light, movement, color, heat? Pay attention for a moment. Listen for the meaning this may have for you.
  2. Reflecting on God’s Word: Continue to savor this aspect of fire and use your memory and imagination to listen for more meaning. Notice the feelings, memories or images. How does this quality of fire touch your life? How is it at work in the world around you? Listen and reflect and savor in these understandings.
  3. Responding to God’s Word: After a time of resting in the meaning and imagination of the element of fire, consider how it relates to the current events of your life? How does fire connect with what is happening at home, at work, in your free time? Explore this connection. Is God calling you to any kind of action? Are you facing a challenge or a decision? Talk to God about your response.
  4. Resting with God’s Word: Finally, simply rest in the presence of the One who has spoken to you intimately and personally. Rest in the silence of God’s loving embrace, and allow your heart to be moved to gratitude for this time of prayer. Allow yourself to simply be in God’s presence and breathe deeply of God’s grace and the glorious nature of fire.

Be encouraged in your practice, Katie Martinez


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This daily devotion is part of the Summer Growth Journey: Learning to Pray with Nature with Crossroads Church. Many of us are also reading through Water, Wind, Earth & Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements by Christine Valters Paintner. To purchase a copy, or for more information, email us at [email protected].