Fire of Forgiveness (Tuesday, Second Week of Advent)

December 04, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Welcome! As you set aside time each day for Advent prayer we invite you to use this approach, which works well for individuals and groups of all ages.

Light a candle. Pause to remember the presence of God filling you with Light and Love.

Pray this Opening Prayer:

Radiant Creator, awaken me to your presence.
Jesus, Light of all Lights, kindle love in my heart.
Spirit of Illumination, guide my path today.

Advent Reflection for the Day

Till like a fire there appeared the prophet whose words were as a flaming furnace. Sirach 48:1

Some messengers speak to us with fiery passion. This is the case with Elijah, an Old Testament prophet. The author of Sirach teaches that Elijah’s mission was to restore people into a close relationship with God. There must have been great relational pain in that society, with families under strain. Elijah has a vision that God will “turn back the hearts of fathers toward their sons” (verse10).

We hear echoes of Elijah in the teachings of Jesus, who taught a fiery love which could turn back hearts and bring about forgiveness. Truthfully it takes “fire” to melt pride, evaporate anger, sear bitterness and burn to ash our stubborn insistence on having things our own way.

Being kind to annoying people is hard; and forgiving those who have intentionally sought to harm me is excruciating. How do you deal with that kind of pain? How do you soothe your wounded emotions before your pain gets passed on? How do we move from desiring someone’s harm to having mercy and hope for their well-being? Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do, yet it is first on the list of qualities Jesus asks us to exercise.

The need for forgiveness often presents itself during the holiday season when we are more involved with family and friends. It is now that we may become more conscious of those we are resenting or even hurting. This is the time to take a big risk and pray for a fire like Elijah’s passion or Jesus’s mercy to burn away whatever is blocking us from extending forgiveness.

Let’s go for it this month. Let’s welcome the Light of God-with-us to change us and turn our hearts toward those we find difficult to forgive.


Set your intention for the day. Say: Today I will turn my heart toward someone who has hurt me.

Pray this Closing Prayer:

Jesus, you are the Everlasting Light.
Help me to bring your love everywhere I go.
Fill me with Light this Advent
that all my life will reflect you.
Shine through me so that that everyone I meet today
would feel your presence in my spirit.
Let them look and see, not just me, but you,
Light of all Lights, Shining through me. Amen

As you blow out the candle and the flame vanishes, remember you have divine light within you that will never go out. You take the light of Christ with you wherever you are.

Together on the Journey,
Katie Martinez