Freedom From Fear (Monday, Second Week of Advent)

December 04, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Welcome! As you set aside time each day for Advent prayer we invite you to use this approach, which works well for individuals and groups of all ages.

Light a candle. Pause to remember the presence of God filling you with Light and Love.

Pray this Opening Prayer:

Radiant Creator, awaken me to your presence.
Jesus, Light of all Lights, kindle love in my heart.
Spirit of Illumination, guide my path today.

Advent Reflection for the Day

Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God… Isaiah 35:4

Recently I was asked, “What is the emotion you dislike the most in yourself?” After considering a number of terrible emotions I decided fear is the worst. Then they asked, “What emotion in another person makes you the most uncomfortable?”

“No contest,” I thought, “fear!” I’m pretty uncomfortable around someone’s anger, but I’m also aware that the emotion called “anger” (think “frustration” too) is a secondary emotion; and the most common primary emotion fueling anger is fear.

I’m not ashamed to admit I hate fear, because everyone hates fear, plus we all have it. But our fears are as diverse as humankind. One person is worried about performing well at work. Another person is afraid they’ll never be a parent. Someone else is afraid to admit they don’t want to be a parent. Some of us are afraid of social settings, and others are afraid of being alone.

Fear is painful and debilitating. It can keep us from experiencing and sharing Christ’s light within us. Fear hijacks our good energy in doubt, anxiety, blame and worry.

Recently a number of people were discussing how fear almost kept them from being a Christ-light to a grieving family. There had been hard death in the community and the surviving family was suffering terribly. Many of us feared contacting the family to offer help. We worried: What if my text or call makes the family feel worse? Or, my relationship with this family is not close enough to warrant the intrusion. But when we pushed past our fear and reached out, the grieving family received the support with open arms.

This Advent, let’s open up these fear-filled places of the heart. Let’s welcome the Loving Light who came to dwell among us and was brave enough to share God’s light with everyone.


Set your intention for the day. Say: Today I will let go of one fear or anxiety I have and place it in Christ’s care.

Pray this Closing Prayer:

Jesus, you are the Everlasting Light.
Help me to bring your love everywhere I go.
Fill me with Light this Advent
that all my life will reflect you.
Shine through me so that that everyone I meet today
would feel your presence in my spirit.
Let them look and see, not just me, but you,
Light of all Lights, Shining through me. Amen

As you blow out the candle and the flame vanishes, remember you have divine light within you that will never go out. You take the light of Christ with you wherever you are.

Together on the Journey,

Katie Martinez