Daring Faith Vision Week: Devotion 1

April 24, 2016, By: Jimmy Scruggs


Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Galatians 6:7

Have you ever done any gardening? The Bible often compares agriculture to the Christian life. God says in Genesis 8:22, As long as the earth endures, there will be seedtime and harvest… God has established principles of planting and harvestingof sowing and reaping. If we ignore these principles it will hurt us. If we wisely use them they will be productive. We can use these principles in every area of our lives. This week we’re going to look at a number of these principles. We can use them with our physical health – what we sow/eat we WILL reap. We can use them in our finances, in our careers, in relationships, in our parenting. They also apply to us as a church. What we plant now—we’ll harvest later. Whatever you need more of in your life, you need to plant in faith. If you feel like you need more appreciation, you need to start appreciating other people. Plant seeds of appreciation. If you feel like you need more talent, you need to start using the talent you’ve got and God will grow you more. If you want to feel closer to God, spend time with him. If you need more time, if you need more money, if you need more energy – whatever you need more of you need to learn the principles of planting and harvesting or sowing and reaping. You need to plant what you need. Make a list of some things that you need more of in your life. Your list might include relational needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, physical needs, opportunity needs, vocational needs, financial needs, etc. Then ask yourself, what are one or two things off of this list that I can begin to plant in faith?
  1. What did you hear? What did God say to you as you read today’s Scripture and Devotion?
  2. What do you think? How does it apply to your life?
  3. What will you do? Don’t just be a hearer of the word. Be a doer of the word. (James 1:22)
  4. Now Talk To God: This is where you turn your thoughts into prayer. It could be a prayer of gratitude or praise. It could be a prayer of confession or a request for God’s help. Take a minute to write a prayer of response.