The Peacemaker’s Guide to the Revelation

Don’t Panic!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. —John 14:27

No other book in the New Testament has attracted as much debate and attention as the book of Revelation. Some read this book quite literally; others read it allegorically. What is the Revelation and how should those following the peacemaking path of Jesus interact with this writing? 

Is this a roadmap to the end of the world? Can a modern person find any wisdom and understanding in this bizarre vision that even the earliest church leaders debated over including in the canon of scripture? Should we live in fear, scared of the images and messages? What wisdom does the Revelation offer our everyday lives in the 21st century? These are the questions that will guide us over the next 5 weeks. 

Rather than offering a single interpretation of the Revelation, The Peacemaker’s Guide to the Revelation will equip peacemakers with tools – a road map – to read the Revelation in a spiritually healthy, Jesus-centered way. Buckle up and get ready to tame the beast! And whatever you do, don’t panic.

The six-week teaching series begins July 28.