Unacceptable Truth

(Re)Imagining a Faith-Full Life

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19

What is the big idea behind the movement that started in the wake of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection? If you’ve been around church at all, you might recognize your faith tradition in a focus on living a morally pure life, going to heaven, or helping others find their way to heaven; fighting “culture wars;” an emphasis on activism and “social” justice; or even personal transformation and intimacy with the divine. In fact, we can find a bible verse to support each of these visions. But for those following the peacemaking path of Jesus, the question becomes “What is the most ‘Jesusly’ vision of faith?” or “What did Jesus see as the vision of a faith-full life?”

In Unacceptable Truth, we attempt to (re)imagine a faith-full vision for the life of one living with a fresh perspective in faith and walking the way of peace. Beginning by exploring the unacceptable truths that motivated Jesus in his day, we will weekly dig into one unacceptable truth in our day that creates a barrier for wholeness and is destroying peace on earth for millions of people. We will gain a high-level understanding of this unacceptable truth, hear from experts working to rewrite these truths, and commit to living with a faith-full vision aligned with Jesus’ vision of peace on earth.

The seven-week teaching series begins June 2.

Make the most of the series and join the Summer Journey. In Peacemaking 301: Unacceptable Truth, dive into each of the five unacceptables with additional readings, reflection questions and action steps that helps us understand where the way of peace leads us as peacemakers. Find all resources in the Crossroads App Peacemaking section.