The Wall

July 25, 2016, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
We had a wonderful testimony last Friday night at Celebrate Recovery/Crossroads. Our speaker shared on a lot of important themes, but there was one that stood out for me and many others. He talked about hitting the wall as a long distance runner and what it takes to persevere through the pain to finish the race. Recovery is a lot like running a long distance race. We all have walls that need to be broken down; what’s your wall? We come to CR because we haven’t been able to break through a wall that has held us back or kept us from a loving and fulfilling life. It could be an addiction, abuse, relational dysfunction, dependencies, to name a few. I built my own walls as a youngster to feel safe and to survive. As I got older those walls suffocated me; I was walled off from people and from God. It’s not that I didn’t have friends, but no close friends. It’s not that I didn’t have some success, I just couldn’t internalize it. It’s not that I didn’t grow, I just failed to mature. It’s not that I didn’t become a husband and father, I did but I certainly could have been a better one. It’s not that I didn’t believe in God, I just never spent any time with him. At a deeper level the big wall that was driving all my issues was fear and shame. A life lived out in insecurity, inferiority and ineptitude is no real life at all. So how do you break down the walls that keep you from being the person God wants you to be? It starts with admitting you have a problem and surrendering it to God. But don’t stop there; you need ask God to lead your life and help you overcome what controls you. I floundered a long time trying to break through the wall of fear and shame. I couldn’t do it without God and people. Maybe you are floundering, stuck, living in the past, wanting a better future. If you are then give Celebrate Recovery a try. This Christ centered 12 step program has changed my life and the lives of thousands right here in northern Colorado. There is not a hurt, habit, or hang-up that God can’t help you overcome. There is no wall too high that God can’t help you break down. Love God, love people, Jesus first! Dana Cramer

Celebrate Recovery/Crossroads Church Calendar July 25-31, 2016

Friday, July 29: Teaching Night
  • 6 pm: Our Hospitality Team is preparing a wonderful meal for you this Friday. Please join us for dinner and fellowship.
  • 7 pm: Join us for an hour of Worship and a recovery message on “Gratitude”
  • 8 pm: Open Share Groups.
  • 9 pm: Solid Rock Café
Tuesday Nights: We have an open share group meeting for men from 6:30-7:30 pm in room 140. Notice: A new Men’s mixed issue 12 Step group has started on Monday Nights at 6:30 pm. Please sign up on Friday nights or respond to [email protected] If you haven’t yet signed up just drop on in at 6:30 and begin your journey to freedom from hurts, hang-up’s and habits. Questions? For more information, contact [email protected], or call the church office at 970-203-9201.