Holy Listening (Monday, Third Week of Advent)

December 11, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Welcome! As you set aside time each day for Advent prayer we invite you to use this approach, which works well for individuals and groups of all ages.

Light a candle. Pause to remember the presence of God filling you with Light and Love.

Pray this Opening Prayer:

Radiant Creator, awaken me to your presence.
Jesus, Light of all Lights, kindle love in my heart.
Spirit of Illumination, guide my path today.

Advent Reflection for the Day

The utterance of one who hears what God says… Numbers 24:16

The Book of Numbers contains the oracles of a man named Balaam, who had the gift of discerning God’s mind on many matters and putting spiritual wisdom into words. When we find a person who does this well, we know they are one who listens wholeheartedly to God. Truthfully, we are all called to listen to the movements of God in all the spaces of life.

Listening to God is one of life’s most valuable skills; and I believe everyone is capable of holy listening. It’s a shame that there are so many myths about the act of listening to God.

When I think of people who listen to the spirit, I notice these people tend to be calm, genuine and not overly busy trying to be important. Advent is a good time for us to try this on ourselves. There is nothing wrong with loving all the sounds and sights of Christmas. However, we can get lost in the swirl of everything, making so much noise, we miss what Advent is saying to our hearts. It’s easy to miss God’s presence when we are coming and going with speed. In my own life, irritability gets in the way of experiencing God; and irritability usually comes on when I’m overloaded.

If we want to enjoy the beauty of Christ’s coming, we need to pause and reflect on our emotions and dial back certain activities. Walking is an excellent practice for holy listening; so is sitting quietly at the beginning or end of the day, with candlelight, scripture, and a warm beverage.

This Advent, take good care of your spirit and see how naturally holy listening takes over your life.


Set your intention for the day. Say: Today I will slow down enough to listen for the way the Spirit of Jesus is revealed in my life.

Pray this Closing Prayer:

Jesus, you are the Everlasting Light.
Help me to bring your love everywhere I go.
Fill me with Light this Advent
that all my life will reflect you.
Shine through me so that that everyone I meet today
would feel your presence in my spirit.
Let them look and see, not just me, but you,
Light of all Lights, Shining through me. Amen

As you blow out the candle and the flame vanishes, remember you have divine light within you that will never go out. You take the light of Christ with you wherever you are.

Together on the Journey,

Katie Martinez