Holy Inspiration (Day 10)

June 11, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Amen

Focus Phrase: Fresh Inspiration

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-2; Psalm 104

Optional Read-along: Water, Wind, Earth and Fire pp. 23b-28 (Chapter One: Brother Wind, Section: Holy Inspiration.)

Spiritual Direction:

We’re in a heat wave here in northern Colorado. I woke up at 3am, needing fresh air, so I got up, turned off the A/C, and threw open the sliding glass door. What a relief to breathe in the cool morning air! I immediately fell asleep and then woke up refreshed. (Don’t envy me; my 3am wake-ups don’t usually have a happy ending.)

In today’s read along section, Christine Valters Paintner writes: The spiritual journey is a lifetime invitation to notice the places where we have fallen asleep and then awaken again and again—to the beauty of the world, to the abundance of our lives, to the sacredness and dignity of each person, to our own giftedness, to the ways we are called to share those gifts with others, and to the power of love and kindness when we are able to release them into the worldOne of the gifts of the Spirit is inspiration– as we breathe in life, we also breathe in new vision and possibility. 

The Book of Acts tells the story of the Holy Spirit breathing new life into a group of Christ followers. They were weary from grief and stress when this moment came into their lives.

Try this exercise from Water, Wind, Earth and Fire: We all have places in our lives where we feel uninspired, where we are going through the motions. Pray with God’s gift of air and imagine the Spirit blowing new life into those places where you have fallen asleep or have become deadened. Spend time asking for renewed vigor and energy, or try to notice if you are being invited to let those uninspired places go in order to make room for new possibilities.

Be encouraged in your practice,

Katie Martinez


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This daily devotion is part of the Summer Growth Journey: Learning to Pray with Nature with Crossroads Church. Many of us are also reading through Water, Wind, Earth & Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements by Christine Valters Paintner. To purchase a copy, or for more information, email us at [email protected].