Good Risk (Wednesday, Third Week of Advent)

December 11, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Welcome! As you set aside time each day for Advent prayer we invite you to use this approach, which works well for individuals and groups of all ages.

Light a candle. Pause to remember the presence of God filling you with Light and Love.

Pray this Opening Prayer:

Radiant Creator, awaken me to your presence.
Jesus, Light of all Lights, kindle love in my heart.
Spirit of Illumination, guide my path today.

Advent Reflection for the Day

The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.” Matthew 1:20

It’s a good thing Jesus had flexible parents. And they must have had a spirit of adventure as well. Mary and Joseph each said, “yes” to God under pretty sketchy circumstances. She said “yes” to bearing a child. When Joseph learned of the pregnancy, he kept his cool and decided to divorce her quietly so she wouldn’t be shamed. Then he heard God speak to his heart, “Do not be afraid.” Joseph took the words to heart and agreed to a risky course action, staying in the marriage, and fleeing the country with Mary and child. Joseph had a solid plan to stay safe, and he felt anxious about the God-breathed plan being proposed. Nevertheless, he revised his plan, following God and his heart.

Looking back, we can see how the dream revealed a huge spiritual opportunity for Joseph. He could have said “no.” He could have peaced-out on Mary. He could have avoided unnecessary responsibility and gone on with his life. Socially and legally, this was the path to take. The risk lay in saying “yes” to God and Life.

These young partners had the courage and faith to drop their plans. They were openhearted and generous with their love for God and humankind. They took a risk and held onto God’s peace in the face of danger.

What an example of light-bearing we have here. These models give us courage to let our careful plans unravel when we sense God inviting us to take a risk for loving others.


Set your intention for the day. Say: Today I will risk saying a kind word or doing a good deed for the sake of love.

Pray this Closing Prayer:

Jesus, you are the Everlasting Light.
Help me to bring your love everywhere I go.
Fill me with Light this Advent
that all my life will reflect you.
Shine through me so that that everyone I meet today
would feel your presence in my spirit.
Let them look and see, not just me, but you,
Light of all Lights, Shining through me. Amen

As you blow out the candle and the flame vanishes, remember you have divine light within you that will never go out. You take the light of Christ with you wherever you are.

Together on the Journey,

Katie Martinez