God’s Will

December 05, 2016, By: Jimmy Scruggs

In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6
Our CR Men’s “Journey Continues” 12-step group is studying and applying Principle 3/Step 3 through the month of December (Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control). To be honest, I have certainly struggled at times with knowing what God’s will is for my life or for a particular circumstance in my life, my guess is I’m not alone. We may know what God’s will is for some areas of our life, but God is asking for us to seek his will in all areas of our life. That’s a big responsibility that requires daily surrender and daily action to fulfill. Here are a few action steps we are putting into practice to daily turn our will over to God’s care and control. -Ask for God’s will to be done. Luke 22:42 -Choose to follow his will over our own. Proverbs 3:5-6 -Trust that he has a plan for us. Jeremiah 29:11 -Invest in others by serving. Galatians 5:13 -Obey God’s word. James 1:22 -Be open to new areas in our life that need to be turned over to God. John 10:10 This daily action plan is a tall order, a difficult one that we can’t do without prayer. Here is a great prayer from CR: “Heavenly Father, please give me the power to choose Your will over my own. Please reveal Your will to me every day. Please show me through Your Word, through other people, and by answering my prayers. I ask for Your love and wisdom and guidance. Amen.” Love God, love people, Jesus first! Dana Cramer

Celebrate Recovery at Crossroads Church Calendar December 5-11, 2016

Friday, December 9: Testimony Night
  • 6 pm: Our Hospitality Team is preparing a wonderful meal for you this Friday. Please join us for dinner and fellowship.
  • 7 pm: Join us for worship and a CR testimony.
  • 8pm: Open Share Groups.
  • 9 pm: Solid Rock Café.
  1. The CR Volunteer Appreciation Christmas Brunch will be held on December 10 from 10am to noon at Crossroads Church.
  2. A first time “The Journey Continues” Men’s 12-step group has started on Monday nights, room 140. This study is for men who have completed a 12 step study previously. Drop on in at 6:30pm and check it out.
  3. A new women’s mixed issue 12-step group has started on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 pm in room 141. Sign up in your Friday night share groups or respond to [email protected]
  4. A new women’s “The Journey Continues” 12 step group is starting January 23. For more details, contact [email protected].
Questions? For more information, contact [email protected], or call the church office at 970-203-9201.