God In The Whirlwind (Day 12)

June 11, 2021, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Starter Prayer: Lord God of the storm and the whirlwind: I am more apt to come to you in sorrow asking for relief rather than seeking to understand what lessons the storm might hold. Teach me to embrace the gifts hidden in suffering rather than trying to banish my pain. Amen (Prayer adapted from Christine Valters Paintner.)

Focus Phrase: God in the Whirlwind

Scripture Reading: Job 38:1-4; Mark 4:35-41

Optional Read-along: Water, Wind, Earth and Fire pp. 32b-36a (Chapter One: Brother Wind, Section: God in the Whirlwind.)

Spiritual Direction:

In my mind the most beautiful mountain scene appears after a rainstorm. Photographers call this: The light of clearing storms. All creation seems to come alive with relief and expectation.

The storms of life— it’s a phrase we all know and understand. Sometimes loss and change comes at us so fast, for so long, we’re not sure we will make it through the storm to ever enjoy life again.

On this prayer journey we will spend much time reflecting on the beauty of nature. Nevertheless, the elements have more to say to us than “Glory!” Wind can be a fearsome thing–  as is sickness, death, business failure and relational conflict. These storms are inevitable and understandably unwelcome in our lives. The good news is that we can learn new ways of praying in the storm.

The psalms of lament are the ancient cries of our ancestors. If you are going through a violent storm, or have been in the storm long enough to become weary, consider praying along with the author of Psalm 13. The refrain goes, “How Long God?” In praying along with this Psalm, many people find new language for expressing their honest feelings about God’s apparent indifference and also new language for hope and strength. You can also write your own prayer of Lament.

Or try this Prayer of the Imagination from the read-along selection: The story of Jesus calming the storm mirrors the first creation story and reminds us of God’s power over the strong winds we experience. Take some quiet moments during your day and see if you can get in touch with the experience of the storm in your life. Imagine Jesus stepping in to provide a sense of calm. Enter into the scripture story in Mark 4:35-41 and imagine the whole scene as if you were one of the disciples. Notice the colors, the quality of light and dark, the smells and sounds. Observe the disciples with compassion. What do they look like when they are terrified? How did this change as Jesus calms the storm? Notice your own bodily response to this experience. Breathe in their calm. Close this prayer with a conversation with Jesus about your experience of the storm and what it is you desire.

Be encouraged in your practice,

Katie Martinez


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This daily devotion is part of the Summer Growth Journey: Learning to Pray with Nature with Crossroads Church. Many of us are also reading through Water, Wind, Earth & Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements by Christine Valters Paintner. To purchase a copy, or for more information, email us at [email protected].