Daring Faith Vision Week: Devotion 4

April 27, 2016, By: Jimmy Scruggs


Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.  Galatians 6:7

This is the principle of reproduction. If you plant beans, what do you get? Watermelon? No. In life we get what we plant. This is an inviolable rule of the universe. It can work for us or against us. When we sow bad seed, we get weeds. People who plant trouble harvest it. Job 4:8 Those who plant seeds of injustice will harvest disaster. Proverbs 22:8 You planted wickedness and now you reap evil. Hosea 10:13 Here are some examples of planting good seed. The one who sows righteousness will reap a sure reward. Proverbs 11:18 “Plant good seeds of righteousness and you’ll harvest a crop of my love.” Hosea 10:12 Peacemakers plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness. James 3:18 We will reap what we sow with our children, with our spouse, with our friends, with our business, in my spiritual life. If we sow anger with our kids, what are we going to get? Angry kids. If we sow patience, that’s what we’ll get – patient kids. If we sow spiritual seeds of loving God and others, we will reap a lifetime of being loved by God and others. If Crossroads sows generosity in our community, what will we get? We’ll get a church full of generous people. What are some weeds in your life right now? How did they get there? What are some good seeds that you are sowing today (by faith) that you will reap next month or year? Remember that…those who plant in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in them, harvest a crop of real life, eternal life! (Galatians 6:8) You’re going to harvest whatever you plant.
  1. What did you hear? What did God say to you as you read today’s Scripture and Devotion?
  2. What do you think? How does it apply to your life?
  3. What will you do? Don’t just be a hearer of the word. Be a doer of the word. (James 1:22)
  4. Now Talk To God: This is where you turn your thoughts into prayer. It could be a prayer of gratitude or praise. It could be a prayer of confession or a request for God’s help. Take a minute to write a prayer of response.