Daring Faith Devotional: Day 19

April 21, 2016, By: Jimmy Scruggs


For our life is a matter of faith, not of sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (TEV)

Are you waiting for God to do something? Has it occurred to you that maybe God is waiting for you to do something first? Throughout the Bible we see an important truth: The Holy Spirit releases his power the moment you take a step of faith. When God says go, he doesn’t mean stop. When he says now, he doesn’t mean later. God told Joshua to cross the Jordan River when it was at flood stage. He didn’t tell him to wait until the torrent had subsided. That’s typical of God. When things look overwhelming, and you step out in faith anyway, you pass the test of faith and grow stronger. When Joshua faced an impossible barrier, the floodwaters of the Jordan River receded only after the leaders stepped into the rushing current in obedience and faith. As soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing… The whole nation completed the crossing on dry ground (Joshua 3:15-17). What should you do when you know something is God’s will but you’re scared to death to do it? Do it anyway. Faith is about taking the first step. God meets you on the battlefield or in the storm or in the raging river. Don’t wait to feel powerful or confident. Move ahead in your weakness. Do the right thing in spite of your fears and feelings. Paul teaches that our life is a matter of faith, not of sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Daring faith is how you team up with the Holy Spirit. Obedience unlocks God’s power. Daring faith is the doorway into the exciting next chapter of your life.