Daring Faith Devotional: Day 13

April 15, 2016, By: Jimmy Scruggs


By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Romans 5:1 (CEV)

Most of us could use a second chance. Sometimes even a third or fourth chance. The Good News is that Jesus gives us another chance. Jesus said, “I didn’t come to judge the world, but to save it” (John 3:17). That means God doesn’t stand behind you and shake his head disapprovingly when you blow it. You don’t need to feel ashamed about your past failures, because God isn’t ashamed of you. Too many of us go through life feeling guilty, judged and criticized by God. Too many people have no desire to spend time with the critical god imagined in their heads, the one they are sure is disappointed with them. It takes faith to get past this false image and to believe that God loves you unconditionally. The truth is, Jesus took your shame on the cross, and because of his faithfulness and our faith in him, we are completely acceptable to God. Paul teaches: By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God (Romans 5:1). Are you at peace with God? God wants to give you his best, no matter how many times you’ve failed in the past. The Bible’s main message is that, through Jesus, you have complete access to God and Christ’s power in your life. You don’t have to wait until you get your life together. You have all the amazing benefits of being a child of God today! Your life will be completely transformed if you become consistently aware of God’s unconditional and never-ending love for you. Instead of letting your past failures define you, our prayer is that you will fully understand God’s great love for you. Pray that his love will give you the power to get up whenever you fall down.