Self Unhinged

September 04, 2017, By: Jimmy Scruggs

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13
Celebrate Recovery is more than overcoming alcoholism or addiction; it works for any hurt, habit or hang-up. When I hear the word recovery I think of my life with Christ. I have gone through a few recovery definitions in my time, all of which had a common theme; stop doing something to start doing something new. What I have experienced in Celebrate Recovery 12 step work is that I need recovery from me; I am my biggest hang-up, my own worst enemy. So recovery as I see it is my daily walk with Christ. I need Jesus every day, moment by moment, hour by hour. That seems rather strange to some, even downright dependent. Is it really healthy to rely on God that much? As one who can speak to living a life ignoring God for many years and living life following God for many years I can honestly say the healthiest dependency I have is in God-Turning my life and will over to Him. With that said, there is a struggle that I wrestle with from time to time and maybe you do as well. It’s called self-will; I know I need Jesus every day, but there are times when I still go it alone on an issue, a problem, a situation. I can start to obsess and in that obsession I can temporarily forget the real power that frees us from self, Jesus. Every once in a while I get to revisit Step one and admit my powerlessness and unmanageability. In my powerlessness I really have only two choices: I can choose Jesus to help me through it or I can choose to stay stuck in self. The first choice provides freedom and transformation, the latter produces misery and an open door for the enemy. In recovery we are faced with these choices every day; let go of self, let God be in charge. Celebrate what is found; Recover what was lost. Love God, love people, Jesus first! Dana Cramer // Celebrate Recovery at Crossroads

Celebrate Recovery at Crossroads Church Calendar September 4-10, 2017

Friday, September 8: Testimony Night
  • 6 pm: Our Hospitality Team is preparing a wonderful dinner for you. Please join us for food and fellowship.
  • 7 pm: Please join us for worship and a testimony from John.
  • 8pm: Open Share Groups
  • 9pmSold Rock Café
  1. New Men’s 12-Step Group has started and meets every Monday at 6:30pm in room 146. Enrollment is open.
  2. New Women’s 12-Step Group has started and meets every Monday at 6:30pm in room 144. Enrollment is open.
  3. Mark your calendars: The CR annual picnic is Sunday, September 17 in Pavilion #1 at North Lake Park.