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Your First Visit

We know that visiting a church for the first time can feel intimidating, especially if you've had difficult experiences in the past. We want you to feel comfortable and welcomed, so this page is here to help ease any uncertainty by letting you know exactly what to expect on your first visit. Whether you're wondering about parking, checking in your kids, finding the restrooms, or just looking for a friendly face, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Service starts at 10am and usually lasts 70 minutes. 

Our services begin at 10am, with coffee, water, and lemonade available in the atrium before and after the service. The service typically lasts around 70 minutes or so. You can expect 3-4 songs, a few announcements, a relaxed-style "talk," and a time of communion each week. Feel free to watch a service on our YouTube channel to get a feel for our vibe.  

Check your kids into Adventure Kids or bring them with you into the service. 

Adventure Kids is available for children from birth through 5th grade, with check-in starting 15 minutes before the service. Our curriculum, A Joyful Path by Progressive Christianity, provides an inclusive, creative, and multi-layered spiritual experience for children. Rooted in progressive Christian values, A Joyful Path is nature-centered, joyful, compassionate, and thoughtful. This unique, behavior-focused curriculum is non-dogmatic, inter-spiritual, and heart-centered, encouraging children to explore their spirituality in a meaningful way.

We have an all gender bathroom on the first floor.

In line with our value of inclusion and our belief that LGBTQ+ people should always feel safe and welcome, we have an all-gender restroom available for everyone’s comfort. No matter who you are, you’re covered! You’ll find the all-gender restroom conveniently located near the other first floor restrooms.

Wear whatever you want and sit wherever you like. 

At Crossroads, we believe you should come as you are—seriously, wear whatever makes you feel comfortable! Our pastor, Ryan, often preaches in a baseball hat and shorts, so trust us, you’ll fit right in. Sit wherever you like, too! We have round tables if you want to chat with friends, rows of chairs for a classic feel, and bleachers in the back if you prefer to stay incognito. No dress code, no pressure—just be yourself!

We finish with a blessing.

Each week, we conclude our service with a blessing to encourage and uplift us in our everyday, normal lives for the week ahead. Some people may choose to stretch out their arms as a symbolic gesture of receiving the blessing, while others may not—either way is perfectly fine! The goal is for everyone to leave feeling equipped and inspired to live a life of radical love and justice, carrying the spirit of this community into every corner of their lives.

Plenty of parking on the west side of the building. 

We have plenty of parking on the west, east and south sides of the building. Disability spots are available near the building on the west and south sides. The easiest way to enter is through the west doors near the circle. 

Middle School and High School students meet in the student center. 

Just outside our main building, adjacent to the Atrium, is our Student Center, where middle and high school students gather every Sunday during the 10am service. Here, students enjoy food, games and age-appropriate spiritual conversations designed to equip and encourage them to walk the peacemaking path of Jesus.

ASL interpretation is on the big screen so sit wherever you like.

Inclusion is at the heart of our community, and we are committed to making our services accessible to all. Each week, we provide ASL interpretation, with interpreters prominently on stage so that everyone can choose to sit wherever they feel most comfortable. During the sermon, the interpreter stands next to the speaker and is visible on the screens, ensuring that everyone can fully engage with the message.

Communion is open to everyone.

Each week, we offer communion to everyone who would like to participate. Communion is a Christian tradition that reminds us of the universal and radical nature of divine love, fully displayed in the death of Jesus. We practice open communion, which means everyone—regardless of belief or background—is welcome to join in. Communion takes place during a song, so if you’d prefer not to participate, that’s completely fine, too. For those who do, we provide gluten-free bread and non-alcoholic grape juice to ensure everyone can take part.

Don't miss the after party.

Don’t rush off after the service—stick around for our meet-n-mingle, or as some like to call it, the “after party!” It’s a great chance to grab a snack, sip some coffee, and connect with others in a laid-back setting. We’ll even toss out a fun conversation starter to help get things rolling. Whether you’re up for a deep chat or just want to hang out, there’s always room for you to join in the fun!

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