Membership at Crossroads

Crossroads Church members believe in the peacemaking vision of Jesus and commit themselves to creating a church where everyone can experience the hope and freedom found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Membership is more than shared beliefs or joining an organization. Membership is a commitment to care for each other and our community through personal relationships, programs and ministries at Crossroads Church.

History and Heritage of Crossroads Church

On January 5, 1996 in the Mary Blair Elementary School cafeteria, Pastor John Smith and friends launched Crossroads Church, a church committed to being a place where every person, especially those who feel they are far from God, would feel welcome, experience God’s love and grow in their faith.

The theological heritage of Crossroads Church is a tradition known as pietism. Pietism is grounded less in intellectual agreements around creeds that can have little impact on a person’s life and more on the importance of living a personal, vibrant growing relationship with God.

Today, we continue to evolve and mature as a pietistic faith community and remain committed to the transforming way of Jesus and that original vision of offering a faith community where everyone is welcome to grow in faith, hope and love.

The Heartbeat of Crossroads Church

  1. Inspiring, equipping and encouraging people to walk the peacemaking path of Jesus in their everyday, normal lives
  2. Rewriting The Five Unacceptable Truths: spiritual emptiness, poverty, illiteracy, fear of the other (racism, sexism and homophobia) and modern-day slavery
  3. Reaching out to the spiritually dissatisfied, disconnected and deconstructing who are longing for something better for themselves and the world

What makes someone a member of Crossroads Church?

Members (agest 16+) have attended at least six months and annually commit themselves to the following:

  1. Members follow the peacemaking path of Jesus, free from religious legalism and living under the divine law to love God and love their neighbor.
  2. Members attend the weekend service online, on campus or on demand.
  3. Members volunteer at Crossroads and with community partners to rewrite the five unacceptable truths in our world.
  4. Members financially give to fund the peacemaking work of our church.
  5. Members bring their wisdom in grace and humility to matters requiring membership discussion and vote.