Food Security Team

Hunger is a condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients required for fully productive, active lives. Hunger comes in many forms: individuals may lack money for food or to maintain a balanced diet, they may cut meal sizes or skip meals to stretch the food they have. Hunger and poverty are inextricably linked.

1 in 3 children in Larimer County is food insecure—meaning they are either hungry or nearing hunger. Hungry children are more likely to repeat a grade in elementary school, experience developmental impairments, have more social and behavioral problems. 

49% of all families in Larimer County are currently working but living below the poverty line. As a result of their severely limited incomes, each day tens of thousands of our neighbors must choose between spending their limited resources on food or paying their utilities, rent or mortgage, or acquiring needed medical care and medicine.

Our Food Security Teams address the two unacceptables of poverty and illiteracy through these initiatives and serving opportunities. 

  1. Stuff-the-Truck Food Drive: Each fall, Crossroads attendees collect thousands of pounds of food. Crossroads volunteers pack and deliver food to the House of Neighborly Service and The Loveland Community Kitchen. 
  2. We partner with Loveland’s Community Kitchen, providing financial support and volunteers. This organization prepares and serves both hot and boxed meals to any hungry person who shows up–no qualifications required. 
  3. Crossroads people volunteer with Loveland Rotary KidsPak. This all-volunteer organization provides children with weekend and summer food paks to fill the gap between school lunches and what kids need. 
  4. The Crossroads Bread Team: Twice each week this group of volunteers wraps hundreds of loaves of bread and pastries that are donated by local Panera stores. If you can wrap, you can help! The wrapped bread is donated to local organizations that daily distribute food to those in need. 

For more information on these volunteer opportunities click on the links above or email [email protected]

For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact [email protected].