Advent Week 2 // LOVE

December 12, 2018, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Advent is the few weeks leading up to Christmas designed by the early Church for celebration and anticipation of Christ’s birth. This Advent season, we’ll feature a special family devotion each week to help you seek God and focus your attention on him during this busy time of year.

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” -John 3:16


One basic need that we all share as humans is to be loved. By our family. By our friends. How? Unconditionally. What an overwhelming reality, though, to be told that you are unconditionally loved by the Creator of the universe!

A second need is to have the assurance of where each of us will spend eternity. And, as only God can do, in this same, small verse we are told that because of God’s love, He sent Jesus to die for our sins. By trusting in what He did on the cross, we can believe and have the assurance of being a part of God’s forever family!


As an adult or child, it is always a good idea to make a list of ways that God has shown His love to you. Draw one line down the vertical center of an 8  x 11 sheet of paper. Draw two horizontal lines through the vertical line dividing the page into six boxes. In each box, draw a picture (yes, even you adults!) of one way that God shows His love to you. Pray together, thanking God for His unconditional love.


  1. Who loves you more than anyone else?

  2. What did Jesus do to show His and His Father’s love for you?

FAMILY DAILY READINGS: Luke 1:28 Luke 1:30 Luke 1:31 Luke 1:32 John 1:14 Matthew 1:22-23