5 Ways to Invite Your Friends to Easter

April 03, 2019, By: Jimmy Scruggs

Easter Weekend is fun! And we want to fill Crossroads with neighbors, friends and guests who will have an unforgettable, hope-filled experience. Here are five easy and effective Facebook tools for spreading the word about our Easter services: ONE: CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PHOTO BADGE Changing your profile badge on Facebook to say ‘Join Me for Easter at Crossroads’ is so simple and effective. The badge will go right over your existing profile picture, and you can even select how long you would like it to stay. That way you don’t have to remember to change it back right after Easter. Just go to the Crossroads Facebook Page, and scroll down the wall to the pinned badge post. Click ‘Try It’ underneath the photo and Facebook will help you with the rest. Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 2.36.11 PM TWO: INVITE FRIENDS TO THE EASTER EVENT This is a convenient way to invite friends to Easter, because in the event they will see all of the details and service options. There are a few ways to share the event. Click the ‘Share’ button right underneath the event cover photo. You will see three options: Invite Friends, Share in Messenger and Share as Post. Sharing in Messenger is a great way to personalize your invite to someone while sharing the event. Click here to see the Easter at Crossroads Facebook event. THREE: CHANGE YOUR FACEBOOK COVER PHOTO In addition to the profile badge, we have a cover photo of the Easter artwork. First, you will need to drag the cover photo below onto your desktop. Then go to your profile and hover over your current cover photo. Click ‘Update Cover Photo’ in the top left-hand corner, then ‘Upload Photo.’ From there, you just need to select the cover photo from your desktop and hit ‘save.’ unnamed FOUR: SHARE THE EASTER AT CROSSROADS PROMO VIDEO Our team has created a promo video just for Facebook. It is pinned to the top of the Easter at Crossroads Facebook event. Just hit ‘share.’ FIVE: : INVITE WITH A PERSONAL MESSAGE If you can’t invite someone face-to-face, one of the best ways to reach out is with a personal message. You can even arrange to ride together and grab coffee before or after. If your kids have friends they’d like to invite, offer them a ride too. With a personal message you can give them details that are not included on our promotions, and answer any questions they may have. BONUS TIP: PRAY! People are waiting to be invited. People are longing to be included. Ask God to reveal the people you should invite, and for the boldness to invite them. You never know the power and life-changing potential of an invitation to Easter! Here at Crossroads, we see these stories year after year. See you at Easter!