Don’t Let Fear Control Your Life

April 01, 2019, By: Jimmy Scruggs

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
I heard a great message on FEAR yesterday at Crossroads, check it out online. Fear happens to be one of my favorite subjects to write about, not because I like it, but because I’ve had so much experience of being stuck in it. There is legitimate fear we experience, just ask anyone who tries to cross I-25 on foot, or even tries to drive on I-25. Fear can protect us from doing harmful things and can keep us out of danger. Today’s message is about the fear that keeps us from being all that God wants us to be. A hundred forms of fear, as the recovery saying goes. Fear of failure and success, fear of the known and the unknown, fear of the real or imagined, fear of disappointing God and fear of what God wants to do in my life. We certainly don’t have a corner on fear in CR, everyone experiences it and everyone has given in to it at some time or another. Being stuck in fear is a terrible place to be. In CR, we learn to face our fears and by God’s grace, overcome them. Granted, that’s easier said than done, but it is attainable. The truth is, I can’t, God can, and I need to let Him work in my life. What about you? Are you still relying on your own power to overcome your fears, or have you gotten hold of the fearless power of God. If you have turned your life and will over to the care of God (Step 3), are you willing to take the next step of recovery? We know that faith overcomes fear, yet when we fall prey to fear, we can fall short in the trust department. Are we ready to trust God? In CR, we define trust as putting our faith into action. We have a process to overcome fear, but are we ready to take the necessary action to free us from our past and learn to live in God’s will today? We really only have two options regarding fear. Stay imprisoned by fear—or trust that God can set us free. Get involved in your church, in its ministries, in CR, and receive the freedom that God promises. “A healthy church is where our fears go to die.” Max Lucado “They fell on their faces and were greatly afraid. But Jesus came and touched them and said, Arise, and do not be afraid.” Matthew 17:6-7 God loves you; Jesus died for you; His spirit lives in you! Say Yes to Jesus and live Love!
Dana Cramer // Celebrate Recovery at Crossroads

Celebrate Recovery at Crossroads Church Calendar April 1-7, 2019

Friday, April 5: Message Night
  • 6pm: Our Hospitality Team is preparing a wonderful dinner for you. Please join us for food and fellowship.
  • 6:30pmPlease join us for an hour of worship and a recovery message.
  • 7:30pm: Open Share Groups.
  • 8:30pm: Solid Rock Café